I get asked a lot of the same questions when people contact me. Here are my answers incase you were wondering.

Can I hire you? / I have an opportunity for you.

Maybe, but probably not if I’m being honest. I’m very selective with who I do business with and I say no a lot. Just so you know how committed I am to other people’s projects, I usually only take on 1-2 client projects a year. I’ll still listen to how you want me to collaborate with you. But just know that I will only take on projects under two conditions – (1) it aligns with my current creative interests, and (2) it has to be something I have true enthusiasm for.

I do welcome hearing your project idea as I’m always looking to creatively challenge myself. To give you an idea, Here’s the projects or collaborations I have a higher chance of saying yes to:

  • Murals & Wall Art projects
  • Anything I can physically build with my own hands.
  • Almost anything DIY
  • Being featured in Documentaries
  • Being a guest judge to critique creative projects

Can you give me a reading? / Can you tap in for me?

No, I don’t do readings for people. But if you want I can send you a resource that will empower you tap in for yourself. I can also send knowledge that may shine light on your situation, if it’s something I can personally relate to. But I will not read for you.

Where do you get your knowledge from? / Where did you learn all this?

You’re probably hoping I have some magical answer, like I get it from the Divine or something. But to be frank, I don’t exactly have a straight answer. I would be lying if I said I got my knowledge from ONE main source. I have mentors who assist in helping me understand myself. I have a badass army of spirit guides who stand behind me. I read books. I take courses. I invest in learning. I meditate. I journal, and I write. I don’t know exactly if there is one super influential place I attain knowledge from. But what I do know is that I’m really good at connecting the dots between what I learn and what knowledge already lives within me when I tune my focus inward. I’m a firm believer that the knowledge I seek already lives within me. I’m also really good at bridging the gap of knowledge between science and spirituality. I don’t really marry myself to just ONE perspective, because I believe there is more than two sides to every story. I do my best to find the middle ground so I can integrate the full truth, instead of just half-truths.

Can you be on my podcast/show?

Maybe. Email me some questions or topics you want to discuss. Things that don’t get talked about enough are the things I like having conversations about the most. I personally enjoy being a guest on shows with a conversational dynamic rather than Q&A style interviews.

I’ve been experiencing ______ physical pain. Could it be an ascension symptom?

It certainly could be. Can you experience sickness and physical symptoms as a byproduct of anchoring more light and raising your vibration – hence ascension symptoms? Yes you can! But does that mean you should ignore your pain and just ride-the-wave and let the Universe make it magically go away? No. Don’t ever bypass your physical health in sake of ascension symptoms because it’s sounds more comforting. Try and accept the possibility that you might actually have an actual health thing going on. I’ve seen too many spiritual people who ignore what their body is telling them in the name of ‘ascension symptoms’ and never seek medical help, only to suffer the consequences later. Don’t let that be you. Just be smart, and listen to your body.