Spiritual maturity is hard to define in a simple definition. But here’s my best attempt at it:

What comes to mind for a lot of people when they think of someone who’s spiritually mature is someone who has a very open Third Eye or someone who has psychic abilities. I would say these are side effects of developing your spiritual maturity, but those things by themselves don’t make someone spiritually mature. What determines ones spiritual maturity is really based on the evolutionary process of one’s consciousness.

People receive and translate information in accordance to their levels of consciousness.

You can measure spiritual maturity kind of like a stomach…

Everyone’s stomach has a capacity for how much food they can intake and digest in one sitting.

Some people get full after eating five burgers and a load of fries.
Other people get full after eating one burger.

But instead of basing it on the capacity of how much food your stomach can process, spiritual maturity is measured based on the capacity of depth in knowledge and wisdom your brain can process until it gets triggered.

If you want to train your stomach to handle processing larger meals without feeling overwhelmed, you train it by incrementally increasing the load of food over each meal so that your stomach can digest more food in a single setting. So in the same way we train our stomach, with spiritual maturity we have muscles in our brain that we have to train with spiritual knowledge as well so that we can digest more complex concepts of higher consciousness.

We often have to explain these complex concepts of higher consciousness in a dummied down version so that our brain can compartmentalize these concepts in digestible loads. But someone who is spiritually mature doesn’t need the dummied watered-down explainer to understand the knowledge. They can intake the knowledge as a whole without feeling overwhelmed by it.

You will know someone’s spiritual maturity is at it’s digestive capacity limit when you’re telling someone something spiritual and they say things like:
that’s too deep for me”
“that just flew way above my head”
“trying to understand that makes my brain hurt”

You cannot feed somebody five burgers worth of wisdom if their brain can only digest one burger in a single setting. Their brain will literally explode if you do that.

That’s why if you want to train your brain’s evolutionary capacity and spiritual maturity as a whole, you got to break the knowledge down into digestible chunks. So as you train your brain to understand the depths of this knowledge though a spiritual eye perspective, you develop your spiritual maturity over time as a result.

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