Let’s first get one thing straight.

Our human condition associates The Light with what feels familiar and safe to us, and associates The Dark with what feels unfamiliar and unsafe to us. Right?

So because we are a species that’s very sensitive with FEELING, it’s easy for us to overlook the logic of the TRUTH if our feelings say otherwise. Because of this, we often associate the truth with what we feel. However, if we don’t face the truth of what’s really going on beneath the surface of what we feel, we can confuse the Light with the Dark.

For example:
For those who have a lot of suppressed trauma and don’t do their inner work to heal, they will spend a lot of time in the Dark living with their shadows and unhealed dynamics. Since pain and suffering is all what they know, this feels familiar to them which signals safety. However, if they were to pick-up on someone’s energy who is in truth – Light, it can trigger them to run away from that person because it feels unfamiliar which signals danger. Or worse, they will vilify that person who anchors Light and call it Dark. This is because since the Light feels unfamiliar to them, they associate the Light that another shines with the Dark. On top of that, since the Dark feels familiar, they associate the Dark they hold with the Light.

If the Light feels triggering, it’s because there’s a Dark unhealed aspect of ourselves that needs to come out of the shadows so we can release everything that weighs heavy on us and return to the weightlessness of the Light. Every Dark unhealed aspect we store in our energy bodies hardens into form while adding more weight. Some people will spend so much time in the Dark… it’s no wonder they run away from the Light. They’ve become so accustomed to the heaviness of the Dark that the Light just burns them so badly. Yet for those who actually do their inner work to heal their shadows aspects every time they get hit with the Dark, they build an immunity to the Light so it doesn’t burn them as bad when they get triggered.

The Light doesn’t have to be triggering if we can know and feel this simple truth:

The Light is our Source Energy Beingness. Light is the very essence of who we are. The Dark is an invitation to process our unhealed dynamics so we can free ourselves from the cycles of karma and return to the Light.
After all, we can’t truly embrace the beauty of the Light if we don’t first experience the opposite of what it’s like to be in the Dark. We just have to know that even if we do go through a Dark experience, we don’t have to stay there for as long as we normally do. We can choose to heal and embrace the Light. Once we get past how scary it feels to heal, we will know what the Light truly feels like to be a free Source Energy Being. As with every Dark dynamic we heal, we create space to anchor more Light.

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